Source code for ipymd.visualise.visualise_sim

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun May  1 23:47:03 2016

@author: cjs14
from io import BytesIO
import numpy as np
from six import string_types

from IPython.display import Image as ipy_Image
from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageDraw, ImageFont

from ..shared.colors import get as str_to_colour
from ..shared import fonts
from ..shared import get_data_path
from .opengl.qtviewer import QtViewer
from .opengl.renderers.line import LineRenderer
from .opengl.renderers.atom import AtomRenderer
from .opengl.renderers.triangle import TriangleRenderer
from import BoxRenderer
from .opengl.renderers.hexagon import HexagonRenderer
#from .opengl.postprocessing import (FXAAEffect, GammaCorrectionEffect, 
#                                             OutlineEffect, SSAOEffect)

[docs]class Visualise_Sim(object): """ A class to visualise atom data """ _unit_dict = {'real':{'distance':0.1}} def __init__(self, units='real'): """ colormap: dict, should contain the 'Xx' key,value pair A dictionary mapping atom types to colors. By default it is the color scheme provided by ``. The 'Xx' symbol value is taken as the default color. radii_map: dict, should contain the 'Xx' key,value pair. A dictionary mapping atom types to radii. The default is the mapping contained in `chemlab.db.vdw.vdw_dict` For units *real*, these are the units: mass = grams/mole distance = Angstroms time = femtoseconds energy = Kcal/mole velocity = Angstroms/femtosecond force = Kcal/mole-Angstrom torque = Kcal/mole temperature = Kelvin pressure = atmospheres dynamic viscosity = Poise charge = multiple of electron charge (1.0 is a proton) dipole = charge*Angstroms electric field = volts/Angstrom density = gram/cm^dim """ assert units=='real', 'currently only supports real units' self._units = units # rendered objects self._atoms = [] self._boxes = [] self._hexagons = [] self._axes = None self._triangles = []
[docs] def remove_all_objects(self): self._atoms = [] self._boxes = [] self._hexagons = [] self._axes = None self._triangles = []
[docs] def add_atoms(self, atoms_df, spheres=True, illustrate=False): """ add atoms to visualisation atoms_df : pandas.DataFrame a table of atom data, must contain columns; x, y, z, radius, color and transparency spheres : bool whether the atoms are rendered as spheres or points illustrate : str if True, atom shading is more indicative of an illustration """ assert set(['x','y','z','radius','color','transparency']).issubset(set(atoms_df.columns)) r_array = np.array(atoms_df[['x','y','z']]) r_array = self._unit_conversion(r_array, 'distance') radii = np.array(atoms_df['radius']) radii = self._unit_conversion(radii, 'distance') cols = atoms_df['color'].apply( lambda x: str_to_colour(x) if isinstance(x,string_types) else list(x) + [255]).tolist() if None in cols: raise ValueError('one or more colors not found') cols = np.array(cols) alphas = np.array(atoms_df['transparency']) #type_array = atoms_df['type'].map(lambda x: type_map.get(x,x)).tolist() backend = 'impostors' if spheres else 'points' shading = 'toon' if illustrate else 'phong' assert max(alphas) <= 1. and min(alphas) > 0., 'transparency must be between 0 and 1' self._atoms.append([r_array, radii, cols, alphas, backend, shading])
[docs] def remove_atoms(self, n=1): """ remove the last n sets of atoms to be added """ assert len(self._atoms) >= n self._atoms = self._atoms[:-n]
[docs] def add_box(self, a,b,c, origin=[0,0,0], color='black', width=1): """ add wireframed box to visualisation a : np.ndarray(3, dtype=float) The a vectors representing the sides of the box. b : np.ndarray(3, dtype=float) The b vectors representing the sides of the box. c : np.ndarray(3, dtype=float) The c vectors representing the sides of the box. origin : np.ndarray((3,3), dtype=float), default to zero The origin of the box. color : str the color of the wireframe, in chemlab colors """ vectors = self._unit_conversion(np.array([a,b,c]), 'distance') origin = self._unit_conversion(np.array(origin), 'distance') color = str_to_colour(color) self._boxes.append([vectors, origin, color, width])
[docs] def add_box_from_meta(self,meta, color='black', width=1): """ a shortcut for adding boxes using a panda.Series containing a,b,c,origin """ self.add_box(meta.a,meta.b,meta.c,meta.origin,color,width)
[docs] def remove_boxes(self, n=1): """ remove the last n boxes to be added """ assert len(self._boxes) >= n self._boxes = self._boxes[:-n]
#TODO change vectors to a,b,c
[docs] def add_hexagon(self, vectors, origin=np.zeros(3), color='black', width=1): """ add wireframed hexagonal prism to visualisation vectors : np.ndarray((2,3), dtype=float) The two vectors representing the orthogonal a,c directions. origin : np.ndarray((3,3), dtype=float), default to zero The origin of the hexagon (representing center of hexagon) color : str the color of the wireframe, in chemlab colors """ vectors = self._unit_conversion(np.array(vectors), 'distance') origin = self._unit_conversion(np.array(origin), 'distance') color = str_to_colour(color) self._hexagons.append([vectors, origin, color, width])
[docs] def remove_hexagons(self, n=1): """ remove the last n boxes to be added """ assert len(self._hexagons) >= n self._hexagons = self._hexagons[:-n]
[docs] def add_axes(self, axes=[[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], length=1., offset=(-1.2,0.2), colors=('red','green','blue'), width=1.5): """ add axes axes : np.array(3,3) to turn off axes, set to None axes_offset : tuple x, y offset from top top-left atom """ axes = np.asarray(axes) self._axes = [length*axes/np.linalg.norm(axes, axis=1), width, offset, [str_to_colour(col) for col in colors]]
[docs] def add_plane(self, vectors, origin=np.zeros(3), rev_normal=False, color='red', alpha=1.): """ add square plane to visualisation vectors : np.ndarray((2,3), dtype=float) The two vectors representing the edges of the plane. origin : np.ndarray((3,3), dtype=float), default to zero The origin of the plane. rev_normal : bool whether to reverse direction of normal (for lighting calculations) color : str the color of the plane, in chemlab colors """ vectors = self._unit_conversion(np.array(vectors), 'distance') origin = self._unit_conversion(np.array(origin), 'distance') c = str_to_colour(color) colors = np.array([c,c,c,c,c,c]) assert alpha <= 1. and alpha > 0., 'alpha must be between 0 and 1' n = np.cross(vectors[0], vectors[1]) if rev_normal: n = -n n = n / np.linalg.norm(n) normals = np.array([n,n,n,n,n,n]) vertices = np.array([origin,vectors[0]+origin,vectors[1]+origin, vectors[0]+origin,vectors[0]+vectors[1]+origin,vectors[1]+origin]) self._triangles.append([vertices, normals, colors, alpha])
[docs] def remove_planes(self, n=1): """ remove the last n planes to be added """ assert len(self._triangles) >= n self._triangles = self._triangles[:-n]
def _unit_conversion(self, values, measure): """ values : np.array measure : str """ if not self._units in self._unit_dict: raise NotImplementedError if not measure in self._unit_dict[self._units]: raise NotImplementedError return values * self._unit_dict[self._units][measure] def _trim_image(self, im): """ a simple solution to trim whitespace on the image 1. It gets the border colour from the top left pixel, using getpixel, so you don't need to pass the colour. 2. Subtracts a scalar from the differenced image, this is a quick way of saturating all values under 100, 100, 100 to zero. So is a neat way to remove any 'wobble' resulting from compression. """ bg =, im.size, im.getpixel((0,0))) diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg) diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100) bbox = diff.getbbox() if bbox: return im.crop(bbox) else: raise RuntimeError('attempted to trim whitespace on an image that is all white') def _concat_images_horizontal(self, images, gap=10, background='white'): """ concatentate one or more PIL images horizontally Parameters ---------- images : PIL.Image list the images to concatenate gap : int the pixel gap between images background : PIL.ImageColor background color (as supported by PIL.ImageColor) """ if len(images) == 1: return images[0] total_width = sum([img.size[0] for img in images]) + len(images)*gap max_height = max([img.size[1] for img in images]) final_img ="RGBA", (total_width, max_height), color=background) horizontal_position = 0 for img in images: final_img.paste(img, (horizontal_position, 0)) horizontal_position += img.size[0] + gap return final_img def _concat_images_vertical(self, images, gap=10, background='white'): """ concatentate one or more PIL images vertically Parameters ---------- images : PIL.Image list the images to concatenate gap : int the pixel gap between images """ if len(images) == 1: return images[0] total_width = max([img.size[0] for img in images]) max_height = sum([img.size[1] for img in images]) + len(images)*gap final_img ="RGBA", (total_width, max_height), color=background) vertical_position = 0 for img in images: final_img.paste(img, (0, vertical_position)) vertical_position += img.size[1] + gap return final_img
[docs] def create_textline_image(self, text, fontsize=10, color=(0,0,0),background=(255,255,255), boxsize=(1000,20)): """create a PIL image from a line of text""" img ='RGB',boxsize,color=background) d = ImageDraw.Draw(img) font = ImageFont.truetype(get_data_path('Arial.ttf',module=fonts), fontsize) #font = ImageFont.load_default().font d.text((0,0),text,fill=color,font=font) img=self._trim_image(img) return img
#TODO orthogonal perspective
[docs] def get_image(self, xrot=0, yrot=0, zrot=0, fov=5., size=400, quality=5, zoom_extents=None, trim_whitespace=True): """ get image of visualisation NB: x-axis horizontal, y-axis vertical, z-axis out of page Parameters ---------- rotx: float rotation about x (degrees) roty: float rotation about y (degrees) rotz: float rotation about z (degrees) fov : float field of view angle (degrees) size : float size of image quality : float quality of image (pixels per point), note: higher quality will take longer to render zoom_extents : None or np.ndarray((N, 3)) define an array of points to autozoom image, if None then computed automatically trim_whitespace : bool whether to trim whitspace around image Return ------ image : PIL.Image """ # an array of all points in the image (used to calculate axes position) all_array = None # initialize graphic engine v = QtViewer() w = v.widget #TODO could add option to change background color, but then need inversion of other colors w.background_color = str_to_colour('white') w.initializeGL() = fov ## ADD RENDERERS ## ---------------------------- #atoms renderer for r_array, radii, colors, alphas, backend, shading in self._atoms: if min(alphas) == 1: transparent=False else: transparent = True colors[:,3] = alphas*255 v.add_renderer(AtomRenderer, r_array, radii, colors, backend=backend, transparent=transparent, shading=shading) all_array = r_array if all_array is None else np.concatenate([all_array,r_array]) #boxes render for box_vectors, box_origin, box_color, box_width in self._boxes: v.add_renderer(BoxRenderer,box_vectors,box_origin, color=box_color, width=box_width*quality) #TODO account for other corners of box? b_array = box_vectors + box_origin all_array = b_array if all_array is None else np.concatenate([all_array,b_array]) #hexagonal prism render for hex_vectors, hex_origin, hex_color, hex_width in self._hexagons: v.add_renderer(HexagonRenderer,hex_vectors,hex_origin, color=hex_color, width=hex_width*quality) #TODO account for other vertices of hexagon? h_array = hex_vectors + hex_origin all_array = h_array if all_array is None else np.concatenate([all_array,h_array]) #surfaces render for vertices, normals, colors, alpha in self._triangles: if alpha < 1.: transparent = True colors[:,3] = int(alpha*255) else: transparent = False v.add_renderer(TriangleRenderer,vertices, normals, colors, transparent=transparent) all_array = vertices if all_array is None else np.concatenate([all_array,vertices]) ## ---------------------------- if all_array is None: # Cleanup w.close() v.clear() raise Exception('nothing available to render') # transfrom coordinate system*np.pi/180.)*np.pi/180.)*np.pi/180.) # axes renderer # TODO option to show a,b,c instead of x,y,z if self._axes is not None: axes, axes_width, axes_offset, axes_colors = self._axes # find top-left coordinate after transformations and # convert to original coordinate system ones = np.ones((all_array.shape[0],1)) trans_array = np.apply_along_axis(,1,np.concatenate((all_array,ones),axis=1))[:,[0,1,2]] t_top_left = [trans_array[:,0].min() + axes_offset[0], trans_array[:,1].max() + axes_offset[1], trans_array[:,2].min(), 1] x0, y0, z0 = np.linalg.inv([0:3] origin = [x0, y0, z0] all_array = np.concatenate([all_array, [origin]]) vectors = axes + origin for vector, color in zip(vectors, axes_colors): # for some reason it won't render if theres not a 'dummy' 2nd element startends = [[origin, vector],[origin, vector]] colors = [[color, color],[color, color]] #TODO add as arrows instead of lines v.add_renderer(LineRenderer, startends, colors, width=axes_width*quality) #TODO add x,y,z labels (look at if zoom_extents is None: else: # convert scene to image image = w.toimage(int(size*quality), int(size*quality)) image.thumbnail((int(size),int(size)),Image.ANTIALIAS) if trim_whitespace: image = self._trim_image(image) # Cleanup w.close() v.clear() return image
# TODO be able to paste one image on another, with different sizes and maintaining alpha values
[docs] def visualise(self, images, columns=1, width=None, height=None): """ visualise image(s) in IPython When this object is returned by an input cell or passed to the display function, it will result in the image being displayed in the frontend. Parameters ---------- images : list/single PIL.Image or (x,y) (x,y) denotes a blank space of size x,y e.g. [img1,(100,0),img2] columns : int number of image columns width : int Width to which to constrain the image in html height : int Height to which to constrain the image in html Returns ------- image : IPython.display.Image """ try: img_iter = iter(images) except TypeError: img_iter = iter([images]) img_columns = [] img_rows = [] for image in img_iter: # add blank try: x,y = image image ="RGB", (x,y), "white") except TypeError: pass if len(img_columns) < columns: img_columns.append(image) else: img_rows.append(self._concat_images_horizontal(img_columns)) img_columns = [image] if img_columns: img_rows.append(self._concat_images_horizontal(img_columns)) image = self._concat_images_vertical(img_rows) b = BytesIO(), format='png') data = b.getvalue() b.close() #del b return ipy_Image(data=data, width=width, height=height)
[docs] def basic_vis(self, atoms_df=None, meta=None, spheres=True, illustrate=False, xrot=0, yrot=0, zrot=0, fov=10., axes=np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]), axes_length=1., axes_offset=(-1.2,0.2), size=400, quality=5): """ basic visualisation shortcut invoking add_atoms, add_box (if meta), add_axes, get_image and visualise functions """ if not atoms_df is None: self.add_atoms(atoms_df, spheres=spheres, illustrate=illustrate) if not meta is None: self.add_box(meta.a,meta.b,meta.c,meta.origin) if not axes is None: self.add_axes(axes=axes, length=axes_length, offset=axes_offset) image = self.get_image(xrot=xrot, yrot=yrot, zrot=zrot, fov=fov, size=size, quality=quality) # cleanup self._atoms.pop() if not meta is None: self._boxes.pop() return self.visualise(image)