ipymd.data_input package


ipymd.data_input.base module

Created on Sun May 1 22:49:20 2016

@author: cjs14

class ipymd.data_input.base.DataInput[source]

Bases: object

Data is divided into two levels; atomic and meta

  • atom is a series of tables, one for each timestep, containing variables (columns) for each atom (rows)
  • meta is a table containing variables (columns) for each configuration (rows)

return int of total number of atomic configurations


return pandas.DataFrame of atomic data


return pandas.Series of meta data for the atomic configuration

get_meta_data_all(incl_bb=False, **kwargs)[source]

return pandas.DataFrame of meta data for the atomic configuration

incl_bb : bool
whether to include bounding box coordinates in DataFrame
kwargs : dict
kew word arguments relevant to specific input data

a method to setup the data and variables

ipymd.data_input.cif module

Created on Wed May 18 22:24:10 2016

@author: cjs14

adapted from from http://physics.bu.edu/~erikl/research/tools/crystals/read_cif.py

class ipymd.data_input.cif.CIF[source]

Bases: ipymd.data_input.base.DataInput

Data is divided into two levels; atomic and meta

  • atom is a series of tables, one for each timestep, containing variables (columns) for each atom (rows)
  • meta is a table containing variables (columns) for each configuration (rows)
setup_data(file_path, override_abc=[], ignore_overlaps=False)[source]

Build a crystal from a Crystallographic Information File (.cif)

Parameters:file_path (str) –

path to file override_abc : [] or [a,b,c]

if not empty, will override a, b, c length parameters given in file


here is a typical example of a CIF file:

_cell_length_a 4.916 _cell_length_b 4.916 _cell_length_c 5.4054 _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 90 _cell_angle_gamma 120 _cell_volume 113.131 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 2.646 _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M ‘P 32 2 1’ loop_ _space_group_symop_operation_xyz

‘x,y,z’ ‘y,x,2/3-z’ ‘-y,x-y,2/3+z’ ‘-x,-x+y,1/3-z’ ‘-x+y,-x,1/3+z’ ‘x-y,-y,-z’

loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z Si 0.46970 0.00000 0.00000 O 0.41350 0.26690 0.11910

ipymd.data_input.crystal module

Created on Mon May 16 01:23:11 2016

@author: cjs14

Adapted from chemlab which, in turn, was adapted from ASE https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/ Copyright (C) 2010, Jesper Friis

class ipymd.data_input.crystal.Crystal[source]

Bases: ipymd.data_input.base.DataInput

Data is divided into two levels; atomic and meta

  • atom is a series of tables, one for each timestep, containing variables (columns) for each atom (rows)
  • meta is a table containing variables (columns) for each configuration (rows)
setup_data(positions, atom_type, group, cellpar=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 90, 90, 90], repetitions=[1, 1, 1], mass_map={}, charge_map={})[source]

Build a crystal from atomic positions, space group and cell parameters (in Angstroms)

  • positions (list of coordinates) – A list of the fractional atomic positions
  • atom_type (list of atom type) – The atom types corresponding to the positions, the atoms will be translated in all the equivalent positions.
  • group (int | str) – Space group given as its number in International Tables NB: to see mappings from Hermann–Mauguin notation, etc, use the get_spacegroup_df function in this module
  • repetitions – Repetition of the unit cell in each direction
  • cellpar – Unit cell parameters (in Angstroms and degrees)
  • mass_map (dict of atom masses) – mapping of atom masses to atom types
  • charge_map (dict of atom charges) – mapping of atom charges to atom types
  • function was taken and adapted from the spacegroup module (This) –

:param found in ASE.: :param The module spacegroup module was originally developed by Jesper: :param Frills.:


from ipymd.data_input import crystal c = crystal.Crystal([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]],

[‘Na’, ‘Cl’], 225, cellpar = [5.4, 5.4, 5.4, 90, 90, 90], repetitions = [5, 5, 5])

c.get_atom_data() c.get_simulation_box()


dataframe of spacegroup mappings

ipymd.data_input.lammps module

Created on Mon May 16 01:15:56 2016

@author: cjs14

class ipymd.data_input.lammps.LAMMPS_Input[source]

Bases: ipymd.data_input.base.DataInput

Data is divided into two levels; atomic and meta

  • atom is a series of tables, one for each timestep, containing variables (columns) for each atom (rows)
  • meta is a table containing variables (columns) for each configuration (rows)
setup_data(atom_path='', atom_style='atomic')[source]

get data from file

Parameters:atom_style ('atomic', 'charge') – defines how atomic data is listed: atomic; atom-ID atom-type x y z charge; atom-ID atom-type q x y z
class ipymd.data_input.lammps.LAMMPS_Output[source]

Bases: ipymd.data_input.base.DataInput

Data is divided into two levels; atomic and meta

  • atom is a series of tables, one for each timestep, containing variables (columns) for each atom (rows)
  • meta is a table containing variables (columns) for each configuration (rows)
setup_data(atom_path='', sys_path='', unscale_coords=True, sys_sep=' ', incl_atom_step=False, incl_sys_data=True)[source]

Data divided into two levels; meta and atom

unscale_coords : bool
By default, atom coords are written in a scaled format (from 0 to 1), i.e. an x value of 0.25 means the atom is at a location 1/4 of the box boundaries ‘a’ vector. http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/dump.html?highlight=dump
sys_sep : str
the separator between variables in the system data file
incl_atom_time : bool
include time according to atom file in column ‘atom_step’ of meta
incl_sys_data : bool
include system data in the single step meta data


Meta level data created with fix print, e.g.;

fix sys_info all print 100 “${t} ${natoms} ${temp}” & title “time natoms temp” file system.dump screen no

Atom level data created with dump, e.g.;

dump atom_info all custom 100 atom.dump id type x y z mass q OR (file per configuration) dump atom_info all custom 100 atom_*.dump id type xs ys zs mass q

alist.sort(key=natural_keys) sorts in human order, e.g. [‘1’,‘2’,‘100’] instead of [‘1’,‘100’,‘2’] http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200712/human_sorting.html

Module contents