Source code for ipymd.data_input.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun May  1 22:49:20 2016

@author: cjs14
import itertools
from ..shared import colors

[docs]class DataInput(object): """data input base class subclasses should override methods; read_data, _get_atom_data, _get_meta_data and _count_configs and optionally _get_meta_data_all """ def __init__(self): """ Data is divided into two levels; atomic and meta - atom is a series of tables, one for each timestep, containing variables (columns) for each atom (rows) - meta is a table containing variables (columns) for each configuration (rows) """ self._data_set = False
[docs] def setup_data(self): """a method to setup the data and variables """ self._data_set = True
[docs] def get_atom_data(self, config=1): """ return pandas.DataFrame of atomic data """ if not self._data_set: raise RuntimeError('must call setup_data method first') if config>self.count_configs(): raise ValueError('only {} configurations available'.format( self.count_configs())) return self._get_atom_data(config)
def _get_atom_data(self, config): raise NotImplemented
[docs] def get_meta_data(self, config=1): """ return pandas.Series of meta data for the atomic configuration """ if not self._data_set: raise RuntimeError('must call setup_data method first') if config>self.count_configs(): raise ValueError('only {} configurations available'.format( self.count_configs())) return self._get_meta_data(config)
def _get_meta_data(self, config): raise NotImplemented
[docs] def get_meta_data_all(self, incl_bb=False, **kwargs): """ return pandas.DataFrame of meta data for the atomic configuration Properties ---------- incl_bb : bool whether to include bounding box coordinates in DataFrame kwargs : dict kew word arguments relevant to specific input data """ if not self._data_set: raise RuntimeError('must call setup_data method first') return self._get_meta_data_all(incl_bb, **kwargs)
def _get_meta_data_all(self, incl_bb): raise NotImplemented
[docs] def count_configs(self): """ return int of total number of atomic configurations """ if not self._data_set: raise RuntimeError('must call setup_data method first') return self._count_configs()
def _count_configs(self): raise NotImplemented def _add_radii(self, atom_df): atom_df['radius'] = 1. #TODO cycle through specific colors in each list def _add_colors(self, atom_df): """ add colors to atom_df, with different color for each atom type """ atom_df['transparency'] = 1. col_keys = colors.col_dict.keys() col_cycle = itertools.cycle(col_keys) for typ in atom_df['type'].unique(): atom_df.loc[atom_df['type']==typ,'color'] = colors.col_dict[][0] def _skiplines(self, f, num=1): """ skip line(s) in an open file """ for n in range(num): line = next(f) return line