Source code for ipymd.data_input.cif

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 18 22:24:10 2016

@author: cjs14

adapted from from
import os
import math

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from .base import DataInput

[docs]class CIF(DataInput): """ Build a crystal from a Crystallographic Information File (.cif) """
[docs] def setup_data(self, file_path, override_abc=[], ignore_overlaps=False): """ Build a crystal from a Crystallographic Information File (.cif) Parameters ----------- file_path : str path to file override_abc : [] or [a,b,c] if not empty, will override a, b, c length parameters given in file Notes ----- here is a typical example of a CIF file: _cell_length_a 4.916 _cell_length_b 4.916 _cell_length_c 5.4054 _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 90 _cell_angle_gamma 120 _cell_volume 113.131 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 2.646 _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 32 2 1' loop_ _space_group_symop_operation_xyz 'x,y,z' 'y,x,2/3-z' '-y,x-y,2/3+z' '-x,-x+y,1/3-z' '-x+y,-x,1/3+z' 'x-y,-y,-z' loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z Si 0.46970 0.00000 0.00000 O 0.41350 0.26690 0.11910 """ self._file_path = file_path self._ignore_overlaps = ignore_overlaps self._override_abc = override_abc self._data_set = True
def _get_atom_data(self, step): """ return atom data """ cif_data = self._read_cif_file(self._file_path) if len(self._override_abc)==3: cif_data['_cell_length_a'] = self._override_abc[0] cif_data['_cell_length_b'] = self._override_abc[1] cif_data['_cell_length_c'] = self._override_abc[2] cif_data['_cell_volume'] = np.nan atoms_df,origin,a,b,c = self._convert_cif_data(cif_data, self._ignore_overlaps) self._add_colors(atoms_df) self._add_radii(atoms_df) return atoms_df def _get_meta_data(self, step): """ return pandas.Series of origin, a, b & c coordinates """ cif_data = self._read_cif_file(self._file_path) if len(self._override_abc)==3: cif_data['_cell_length_a'] = self._override_abc[0] cif_data['_cell_length_b'] = self._override_abc[1] cif_data['_cell_length_c'] = self._override_abc[2] cif_data['_cell_volume'] = np.nan atoms_df,origin,a,b,c = self._convert_cif_data(cif_data, self._ignore_overlaps) return pd.Series([origin,a,b,c],index=['origin','a','b','c']) def _count_configs(self): """ return int of total number of atomic configurations """ return 1 #TODO read and deal with occupancy values (and overlapping atoms) def _read_cif_file(self, file_path): """ Read CIF file, and extract the necessary info in the form of a dictionary. E.g., the value of "_cell_volume" can be found with data['_cell_volume']. """ assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{0} does not exist'.format(file_path) data = {} # Open the CIF file. with open(file_path, 'r') as f: reading_sym_ops = False atom_headers = [] # Read lines one by one. for line in f: # Split into columns. cols = line.split() if (len(cols) == 0): continue # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Identify the keyword. Here are the simply "key: value" ones. if (cols[0] == '_cell_length_a'): data['_cell_length_a'] = float(cols[1]) elif (cols[0] == '_cell_length_b'): data['_cell_length_b'] = float(cols[1]) elif (cols[0] == '_cell_length_c'): data['_cell_length_c'] = float(cols[1]) elif (cols[0] == '_cell_angle_alpha'): data['_cell_angle_alpha'] = float(cols[1]) elif (cols[0] == '_cell_angle_beta'): data['_cell_angle_beta'] = float(cols[1]) elif (cols[0] == '_cell_angle_gamma'): data['_cell_angle_gamma'] = float(cols[1]) elif (cols[0] == '_cell_volume'): data['_cell_volume'] = float(cols[1]) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Extract the symmetry operations. This will be a list of # strings such as: # ['x,y,z', 'y,x,2/3-z', '-y,x-y,2/3+z', '-x,-x+y,1/3-z', ... ] elif (cols[0] == '_space_group_symop_operation_xyz'): reading_sym_ops = True data['_space_group_symop_operation_xyz'] = [] elif (reading_sym_ops): # Add the operation if the string is between single quotes. # Otherwise it's a sign we are done with the list. if (cols[0][0] == '\'' and cols[0][-1] == '\''): data['_space_group_symop_operation_xyz'].append(cols[0][1:-1]) else: reading_sym_ops = False # Note: it's safe to ignore this line completely. # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Search for the keyword "_atom_site_label" which indicates the # start of the atom_site data. elif (cols[0] == '_atom_site_label') and not atom_headers: while len(cols) < 4: atom_headers.append(cols[0]) data[cols[0]] = [] line = self._skiplines(f) cols = line.split() # Stop reading atom sites if we found a line with fewer # columns, and which does not start with '_atom_site_'. while len(cols) == len(atom_headers): for i, name in enumerate(atom_headers): data[name].append(cols[i]) try: line = self._skiplines(f) except: break cols = line.split() # Return the extracted data. return data def _extract_element(self, label): """Converts an "_atom_type_label" into an element name. """ elem2 = ['He','Li','Be','Ne','Na','Mg','Al','Si','Cl','Ar','Ca','Sc','Ti', 'Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni','Cu','Zn','Ga','Ge','As','Se','Br','Kr', 'Rb','Sr','Zr','Nb','Mo','Tc','Ru','Rh','Pd','Ag','Cd','In','Sn', 'Sb','Te','Xe','Cs','Ba','La','Ce','Pr','Nd','Pm','Sm','Eu','Gd', 'Tb','Dy','Ho','Er','Tm','Yb','Lu','Hf','Ta','Re','Os','Ir','Pt', 'Au','Hg','Tl','Pb','Bi','Po','At','Rn','Fr','Ra','Ac','Th','Pa', 'Np','Pu','Am','Cm','Bk','Cf','Es','Fm','Md','No','Lr'] if (label[0:2] in elem2): return label[0:2] elem1 = ['H','B','C','N','O','F','P','S','K','V','Y','I','W','U'] if (label[0] in elem1): return label[0] raise Exception('WARNING: could not convert "%s" into element name!' % label) return label def _convert_cif_data(self, data, ignore_overlaps=False): radians = math.radians cos, sin = math.cos, math.sin sqrt = math.sqrt # Extract lengths and angles from the CIF data. La = float(data['_cell_length_a']) Lb = float(data['_cell_length_b']) Lc = float(data['_cell_length_c']) alpha = radians(float(data['_cell_angle_alpha'])) beta = radians(float(data['_cell_angle_beta'])) gamma = radians(float(data['_cell_angle_gamma'])) volume = float(data['_cell_volume']) # Extract the symmetry operations. This will be a list of strings such as: # ['x,y,z', 'y,x,2/3-z', '-y,x-y,2/3+z', '-x,-x+y,1/3-z', ... ] ops = data['_space_group_symop_operation_xyz'] # For proper evaluation, we need to convert "2/3" into "2./3", etc. to prevent # integer division which would turn e.g. 2/3 into 0. for i in range(len(ops)): ops[i] = ops[i].replace("/", "./") # Get the atom labels and coordinates. labels = data['_atom_site_label'] fX = [ float(s) for s in data['_atom_site_fract_x'] ] fY = [ float(s) for s in data['_atom_site_fract_y'] ] fZ = [ float(s) for s in data['_atom_site_fract_z'] ] if '_atom_site_occupancy' in data: occ = [ float(s) for s in data['_atom_site_occupancy'] ] else: occ = [ 1.0 for _ in data['_atom_site_label'] ] # Create a list of 4-tuples, where each tuple is an atom: # [ ('Si', 0.4697, 0.0, 0.0), ('O', 0.4135, 0.2669, 0.1191), ... ] atoms = [ (labels[i], fX[i], fY[i], fZ[i], occ[i]) for i in range(len(labels)) ] # Make sure that all atoms lie within the unit cell. Also convert names such # as 'Oa1' into 'O'. for i in range(len(atoms)): (name,xn,yn,zn,oc) = atoms[i] xn = (xn + 10.0) % 1.0 yn = (yn + 10.0) % 1.0 zn = (zn + 10.0) % 1.0 name = self._extract_element(name) atoms[i] = (name,xn,yn,zn,oc) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Use symmetry operations to create the unit cell. # The CIF file consists of a few atom positions plus several "symmetry # operations" that indicate the other atom positions within the unit cell. So # using these operations, create copies of the atoms until no new copies can be # made. # Two atoms are on top of each other if they are less than "eps" away. eps = 0.01 # in Angstrom # For each atom, apply each symmetry operation to create a new atom. overlap_atoms = [] imax = len(atoms) i=0 while (i < imax): label,x,y,z,oc = atoms[i] for op in ops: # Python is awesome: calling e.g. eval('x,y,1./2+z') will convert the # string into a 3-tuple using the current values for x,y,z! xn,yn,zn = eval(op) # Make sure that the new atom lies within the unit cell. xn = (xn + 10.0) % 1.0 yn = (yn + 10.0) % 1.0 zn = (zn + 10.0) % 1.0 # Check if the new position is actually new, or the same as a previous # atom. new_atom = True for at in atoms: if (abs(at[1]-xn) < eps and abs(at[2]-yn) < eps and abs(at[3]-zn) < eps): new_atom = False # Check that this is the same atom type. if (at[0] != label): if at[4] + oc != 1: raise Exception('overlapping atoms do not have occupancy summing to unity') overlap_atoms.append((label,xn,yn,zn,oc)) # If the atom is new, add it to the list! if (new_atom): atoms.append( (label,xn,yn,zn,oc) ) # add a 4-tuple # Update the loop iterator. i = i + 1 imax = len(atoms) if overlap_atoms and not ignore_overlaps: raise Exception('invalid CIF file: atom of type %s overlaps with atom of type %s' % (at[0],label)) atoms+=overlap_atoms # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Convert the fractional coordinates into real coordinates. # The primitive vectors a,b,c are such that # # cos(alpha) = b.c / |b||c| # cos(beta) = a.c / |a||c| # cos(gamma) = a.b / |a||b| # # with the convention # # a = La*xhat # b = bx*xhat + by*yhat # c = cx*xhat + cy*yhat + cz*zhat # cosa = cos(alpha) #sina = sin(alpha) cosb = cos(beta) #sinb = sin(beta) cosg = cos(gamma) sing = sin(gamma) cosa2 = cosa * cosa cosb2 = cosb * cosb sing2 = sing * sing ax = La bx = Lb * cosg by = Lb * sing cx = Lc * cosb cy = Lc * (cosa - cosg*cosb) / sing cz = Lc * sqrt( 1 - (cosa2 + cosb2 - 2*cosg*cosb*cosa) / sing2 ) # Use the volume to check if we did the vectors right. V = ax*by*cz if ( abs(V - volume) > 0.1) and not np.isnan(volume): raise Exception('volume does not match that calculated from primitive vectors') a = np.array([ax,0,0]) b = np.array([bx,by,0]) c = np.array([cx,cy,cz]) for i in range(len(atoms)): # Get label and fractional coordinates. label,xf,yf,zf,oc = atoms[i] xa = xf * ax # contribution of a-vector to the x-coordinate of this atom #ya = 0 # a-vector has no y-component, so does not affect y of atom #za = 0 # a-vector has no z-component, so does not affect z of atom xb = yf * bx # contribution of b-vector to the x-coordinate of this atom yb = yf * by # contribution of b-vector to the y-coordinate of this atom #zb = 0 # b-vector has no z-component, so does not affect z of atom xc = zf * cx # contribution of c-vector to the x-coordinate of this atom yc = zf * cy # contribution of c-vector to the y-coordinate of this atom zc = zf * cz # contribution of c-vector to the z-coordinate of this atom # Add all contributions. xn = xa + xb + xc yn = yb + yc zn = zc atoms[i] = (label, xn, yn, zn,oc) df = pd.DataFrame(atoms, columns=['type', 'x', 'y', 'z','occupancy']) return df,(0.,0.,0.),tuple(a),tuple(b),tuple(c)