Source code for ipymd.data_input.spacegroup.spacegroup

# Copyright (C) 2010, Jesper Friis
# (see accompanying license files for details).

"""Definition of the Spacegroup class.

This module only depends on NumPy and the space group database.

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['Spacegroup']

class SpacegroupError(Exception):
    """Base exception for the spacegroup module."""

class SpacegroupNotFoundError(SpacegroupError):
    """Raised when given space group cannot be found in data base."""

class SpacegroupValueError(SpacegroupError):
    """Raised when arguments have invalid value."""

[docs]class Spacegroup(object): """A space group class. The instances of Spacegroup describes the symmetry operations for the given space group. Example: >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup >>> >>> sg = Spacegroup(225) >>> print 'Space group',, sg.symbol Space group 225 F m -3 m >>> sg.scaled_primitive_cell array([[ 0. , 0.5, 0.5], [ 0.5, 0. , 0.5], [ 0.5, 0.5, 0. ]]) >>> sites, kinds = sg.equivalent_sites([[0,0,0]]) >>> sites array([[ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0. , 0.5, 0.5], [ 0.5, 0. , 0.5], [ 0.5, 0.5, 0. ]]) """ no = property( lambda self: self._no, doc='Space group number in International Tables of Crystallography.') symbol = property( lambda self: self._symbol, doc='Hermann-Mauguin (or international) symbol for the space group.') setting = property( lambda self: self._setting, doc='Space group setting. Either one or two.') lattice = property( lambda self: self._symbol[0], doc="""Lattice type: P primitive I body centering, h+k+l=2n F face centering, h,k,l all odd or even A,B,C single face centering, k+l=2n, h+l=2n, h+k=2n R rhombohedral centering, -h+k+l=3n (obverse); h-k+l=3n (reverse) """) centrosymmetric = property( lambda self: self._centrosymmetric, doc='Whether a center of symmetry exists.') scaled_primitive_cell = property( lambda self: self._scaled_primitive_cell, doc='Primitive cell in scaled coordinates as a matrix with the ' 'primitive vectors along the rows.') reciprocal_cell = property( lambda self: self._reciprocal_cell, doc='Tree Miller indices that span all kinematically non-forbidden ' 'reflections as a matrix with the Miller indices along the rows.') nsubtrans = property( lambda self: len(self._subtrans), doc='Number of cell-subtranslation vectors.') def _get_nsymop(self): """Returns total number of symmetry operations.""" if self.centrosymmetric: return 2 * len(self._rotations) * len(self._subtrans) else: return len(self._rotations) * len(self._subtrans) nsymop = property(_get_nsymop, doc='Total number of symmetry operations.') subtrans = property( lambda self: self._subtrans, doc='Translations vectors belonging to cell-sub-translations.') rotations = property( lambda self: self._rotations, doc='Symmetry rotation matrices. The invertions are not included ' 'for centrosymmetrical crystals.') translations = property( lambda self: self._translations, doc='Symmetry translations. The invertions are not included ' 'for centrosymmetrical crystals.') def __init__(self, spacegroup, setting=1, datafile=None): """Returns a new Spacegroup instance. Parameters: spacegroup : int | string | Spacegroup instance The space group number in International Tables of Crystallography or its Hermann-Mauguin symbol. E.g. spacegroup=225 and spacegroup='F m -3 m' are equivalent. setting : 1 | 2 Some space groups have more than one setting. `setting` determines Which of these should be used. datafile : None | string Path to database file. If `None`, the the default database will be used. """ if isinstance(spacegroup, Spacegroup): for k, v in spacegroup.__dict__.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) return if not datafile: datafile = get_datafile() f = open(datafile, 'r') try: _read_datafile(self, spacegroup, setting, f) finally: f.close() def __repr__(self): return 'Spacegroup(%d, setting=%d)' % (, self.setting)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the space group data in the same format as found the database.""" retval = [] # no, symbol retval.append('%-3d %s\n' % (, self.symbol)) # setting retval.append(' setting %d\n' % (self.setting)) # centrosymmetric retval.append(' centrosymmetric %d\n' % (self.centrosymmetric)) # primitive vectors retval.append(' primitive vectors\n') for i in range(3): retval.append(' ') for j in range(3): retval.append(' %13.10f' % (self.scaled_primitive_cell[i, j])) retval.append('\n') # primitive reciprocal vectors retval.append(' reciprocal vectors\n') for i in range(3): retval.append(' ') for j in range(3): retval.append(' %3d' % (self.reciprocal_cell[i, j])) retval.append('\n') # sublattice retval.append(' %d subtranslations\n' % self.nsubtrans) for i in range(self.nsubtrans): retval.append(' ') for j in range(3): retval.append(' %13.10f' % (self.subtrans[i, j])) retval.append('\n') # symmetry operations nrot = len(self.rotations) retval.append(' %d symmetry operations (rot+trans)\n' % nrot) for i in range(nrot): retval.append(' ') for j in range(3): retval.append(' ') for k in range(3): retval.append(' %2d' % (self.rotations[i, j, k])) retval.append(' ') for j in range(3): retval.append(' %13.10f' % self.translations[i, j]) retval.append('\n') retval.append('\n') return ''.join(retval)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Chech whether *self* and *other* refer to the same spacegroup number and setting.""" if not isinstance(other, Spacegroup): other = Spacegroup(other) return == and self.setting == other.setting
def __index__(self): return
[docs] def get_symop(self): """Returns all symmetry operations (including inversions and subtranslations) as a sequence of (rotation, translation) tuples.""" symop = [] parities = [1] if self.centrosymmetric: parities.append(-1) for parity in parities: for subtrans in self.subtrans: for rot, trans in zip(self.rotations, self.translations): newtrans = np.mod(trans + subtrans, 1) symop.append((parity*rot, newtrans)) return symop
[docs] def get_op(self): """Returns all symmetry operations (including inversions and subtranslations), but unlike get_symop(), they are returned as two ndarrays.""" if self.centrosymmetric: rot = np.tile(np.vstack((self.rotations, -self.rotations)), (self.nsubtrans, 1, 1)) trans = np.repeat(self.subtrans, 2*len(self.rotations), axis=0) else: rot = np.tile(self.rotations, (self.nsubtrans, 1, 1)) trans = np.repeat(self.subtrans, len(self.rotations), axis=0) return rot, trans
[docs] def get_rotations(self): """Return all rotations, including inversions for centrosymmetric crystals.""" if self.centrosymmetric: return np.vstack((self.rotations, -self.rotations)) else: return self.rotations
[docs] def equivalent_reflections(self, hkl): """Return all equivalent reflections to the list of Miller indices in hkl. Example: >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup >>> sg = Spacegroup(225) # fcc >>> sg.equivalent_reflections([[0, 0, 2]]) array([[ 0, 0, -2], [ 0, -2, 0], [-2, 0, 0], [ 2, 0, 0], [ 0, 2, 0], [ 0, 0, 2]]) """ hkl = np.array(hkl, dtype='int', ndmin=2) rot = self.get_rotations() n, nrot = len(hkl), len(rot) R = rot.transpose(0, 2, 1).reshape((3*nrot, 3)).T refl =, R).reshape((n*nrot, 3)) ind = np.lexsort(refl.T) refl = refl[ind] diff = np.diff(refl, axis=0) mask = np.any(diff, axis=1) return np.vstack((refl[mask], refl[-1,:]))
[docs] def symmetry_normalised_reflections(self, hkl): """Returns an array of same size as *hkl*, containing the corresponding symmetry-equivalent reflections of lowest indices. Example: >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup >>> sg = Spacegroup(225) # fcc >>> sg.symmetry_normalised_reflections([[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0]]) array([[ 0, 0, -2], [ 0, 0, -2]]) """ hkl = np.array(hkl, dtype=int, ndmin=2) normalised = np.empty(hkl.shape, int) R = self.get_rotations().transpose(0, 2, 1) for i, g in enumerate(hkl): gsym =, g) j = np.lexsort(gsym.T)[0] normalised[i,:] = gsym[j] return normalised
[docs] def unique_reflections(self, hkl): """Returns a subset *hkl* containing only the symmetry-unique reflections. Example: >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup >>> sg = Spacegroup(225) # fcc >>> sg.unique_reflections([[ 2, 0, 0], ... [ 0, -2, 0], ... [ 2, 2, 0], ... [ 0, -2, -2]]) array([[2, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0]]) """ hkl = np.array(hkl, dtype=int, ndmin=2) hklnorm = self.symmetry_normalised_reflections(hkl) perm = np.lexsort(hklnorm.T) iperm = perm.argsort() xmask = np.abs(np.diff(hklnorm[perm], axis=0)).any(axis=1) mask = np.concatenate(([True], xmask)) imask = mask[iperm] return hkl[imask]
[docs] def equivalent_sites(self, scaled_positions, ondublicates='error', symprec=1e-3): """Returns the scaled positions and all their equivalent sites. Parameters: scaled_positions: list | array List of non-equivalent sites given in unit cell coordinates. ondublicates : 'keep' | 'replace' | 'warn' | 'error' Action if `scaled_positions` contain symmetry-equivalent positions: 'keep' ignore additional symmetry-equivalent positions 'replace' replace 'warn' like 'keep', but issue an UserWarning 'error' raises a SpacegroupValueError symprec: float Minimum "distance" betweed two sites in scaled coordinates before they are counted as the same site. Returns: sites: array A NumPy array of equivalent sites. kinds: list A list of integer indices specifying which input site is equivalent to the corresponding returned site. Example: >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup >>> sg = Spacegroup(225) # fcc >>> sites, kinds = sg.equivalent_sites([[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]]) >>> sites array([[ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0. , 0.5, 0.5], [ 0.5, 0. , 0.5], [ 0.5, 0.5, 0. ], [ 0.5, 0. , 0. ], [ 0. , 0.5, 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0.5], [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]) >>> kinds [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] """ kinds = [] sites = [] symprec2 = symprec**2 scaled = np.array(scaled_positions, ndmin=2) for kind, pos in enumerate(scaled): for rot, trans in self.get_symop(): site = np.mod(, pos) + trans, 1.) if not sites: sites.append(site) kinds.append(kind) continue t = site - sites mask = np.sum(t*t, 1) < symprec2 if np.any(mask): ind = np.argwhere(mask)[0][0] if kinds[ind] == kind: pass elif ondublicates == 'keep': pass elif ondublicates == 'replace': kinds[ind] = kind elif ondublicates == 'warn': warnings.warn('scaled_positions %d and %d ' 'are equivalent'%(kinds[ind], kind)) elif ondublicates == 'error': raise SpacegroupValueError( 'scaled_positions %d and %d are equivalent'%( kinds[ind], kind)) else: raise SpacegroupValueError( 'Argument "ondublicates" must be one of: ' '"keep", "replace", "warn" or "error".') else: sites.append(site) kinds.append(kind) return np.array(sites), kinds
[docs] def symmetry_normalised_sites(self, scaled_positions): """Returns an array of same size as *scaled_positions*, containing the corresponding symmetry-equivalent sites within the unit cell of lowest indices. Example: >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup >>> sg = Spacegroup(225) # fcc >>> sg.symmetry_normalised_sites([[0.0, 0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) array([[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0.]]) """ scaled = np.array(scaled_positions, ndmin=2) normalised = np.empty(scaled.shape, np.float) rot, trans = self.get_op() for i, pos in enumerate(scaled): sympos =, pos) + trans # Must be done twice, see the test sympos %= 1.0 sympos %= 1.0 j = np.lexsort(sympos.T)[0] normalised[i,:] = sympos[j] return normalised
[docs] def unique_sites(self, scaled_positions, symprec=1e-3, output_mask=False): """Returns a subset of *scaled_positions* containing only the symmetry-unique positions. If *output_mask* is True, a boolean array masking the subset is also returned. Example: >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup >>> sg = Spacegroup(225) # fcc >>> sg.unique_sites([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ... [0.5, 0.5, 0.0], ... [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], ... [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]]) array([[ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0.5, 0. , 0. ]]) """ scaled = np.array(scaled_positions, ndmin=2) symnorm = self.symmetry_normalised_sites(scaled) perm = np.lexsort(symnorm.T) iperm = perm.argsort() xmask = np.abs(np.diff(symnorm[perm], axis=0)).max(axis=1) > symprec mask = np.concatenate(([True], xmask)) imask = mask[iperm] if output_mask: return scaled[imask], imask else: return scaled[imask]
[docs] def tag_sites(self, scaled_positions, symprec=1e-3): """Returns an integer array of the same length as *scaled_positions*, tagging all equivalent atoms with the same index. Example: >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup >>> sg = Spacegroup(225) # fcc >>> sg.tag_sites([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ... [0.5, 0.5, 0.0], ... [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], ... [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]]) array([0, 0, 0, 1]) """ scaled = np.array(scaled_positions, ndmin=2) scaled %= 1.0 scaled %= 1.0 tags = -np.ones((len(scaled), ), dtype=int) mask = np.ones((len(scaled), ), dtype=np.bool) rot, trans = self.get_op() i = 0 while mask.any(): pos = scaled[mask][0] sympos =, pos) + trans # Must be done twice, see the test sympos %= 1.0 sympos %= 1.0 m = ~np.all(np.any(np.abs(scaled[np.newaxis,:,:] - sympos[:,np.newaxis,:]) > symprec, axis=2), axis=0) assert not np.any((~mask) & m) tags[m] = i mask &= ~m i += 1 return tags
def get_datafile(): """Return default path to datafile.""" return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'spacegroup.dat') def format_symbol(symbol): """Returns well formatted Hermann-Mauguin symbol as extected by the database, by correcting the case and adding missing or removing dublicated spaces.""" fixed = [] s = symbol.strip() s = s[0].upper() + s[1:].lower() for c in s: if c.isalpha(): fixed.append(' ' + c + ' ') elif c.isspace(): fixed.append(' ') elif c.isdigit(): fixed.append(c) elif c == '-': fixed.append(' ' + c) elif c == '/': fixed.append(' ' + c) s = ''.join(fixed).strip() return ' '.join(s.split()) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions for parsing the database. They are moved outside the # Spacegroup class in order to make it easier to later implement # caching to avoid reading the database each time a new Spacegroup # instance is created. #----------------------------------------------------------------- def _skip_to_blank(f, spacegroup, setting): """Read lines from f until a blank line is encountered.""" while True: line = f.readline() if not line: raise SpacegroupNotFoundError( 'invalid spacegroup %s, setting %i not found in data base' % ( spacegroup, setting ) ) if not line.strip(): break def _skip_to_nonblank(f, spacegroup, setting): """Read lines from f until a nonblank line not starting with a hash (#) is encountered and returns this and the next line.""" while True: line1 = f.readline() if not line1: raise SpacegroupNotFoundError( 'invalid spacegroup %s, setting %i not found in data base' % ( spacegroup, setting ) ) line1.strip() if line1 and not line1.startswith('#'): line2 = f.readline() break return line1, line2 def _read_datafile_entry(spg, no, symbol, setting, f): """Read space group data from f to spg.""" spg._no = no spg._symbol = symbol.strip() spg._setting = setting spg._centrosymmetric = bool(int(f.readline().split()[1])) # primitive vectors f.readline() spg._scaled_primitive_cell = np.array([ list(map(float, f.readline().split())) for i in range(3)], dtype='float') # primitive reciprocal vectors f.readline() spg._reciprocal_cell = np.array([list(map(int, f.readline().split())) for i in range(3)], # subtranslations spg._nsubtrans = int(f.readline().split()[0]) spg._subtrans = np.array([list(map(float, f.readline().split())) for i in range(spg._nsubtrans)], dtype=np.float) # symmetry operations nsym = int(f.readline().split()[0]) symop = np.array([list(map(float, f.readline().split())) for i in range(nsym)], dtype=np.float) spg._nsymop = nsym spg._rotations = np.array(symop[:,:9].reshape((nsym,3,3)), spg._translations = symop[:,9:] def _read_datafile(spg, spacegroup, setting, f): if isinstance(spacegroup, int): pass elif isinstance(spacegroup, str): #spacegroup = ' '.join(spacegroup.strip().split()) spacegroup = format_symbol(spacegroup) else: raise SpacegroupValueError('`spacegroup` must be of type int or str') while True: line1, line2 = _skip_to_nonblank(f, spacegroup, setting) _no,_symbol = line1.strip().split(None, 1) _symbol = format_symbol(_symbol) _setting = int(line2.strip().split()[1]) _no = int(_no) if ((isinstance(spacegroup, int) and _no == spacegroup) or (isinstance(spacegroup, str) and _symbol == spacegroup)) and _setting == setting: _read_datafile_entry(spg, _no, _symbol, _setting, f) break else: _skip_to_blank(f, spacegroup, setting) def parse_sitesym(symlist, sep=','): """Parses a sequence of site symmetries in the form used by International Tables and returns corresponding rotation and translation arrays. Example: >>> symlist = [ ... 'x,y,z', ... '-y+1/2,x+1/2,z', ... '-y,-x,-z', ... ] >>> rot, trans = parse_sitesym(symlist) >>> rot array([[[ 1, 0, 0], [ 0, 1, 0], [ 0, 0, 1]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0, -1, 0], [ 1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, -1]]]) >>> trans array([[ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0.5, 0.5, 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0. ]]) """ nsym = len(symlist) rot = np.zeros((nsym, 3, 3), dtype='int') trans = np.zeros((nsym, 3)) for i, sym in enumerate(symlist): for j, s in enumerate (sym.split(sep)): s = s.lower().strip() while s: sign = 1 if s[0] in '+-': if s[0] == '-': sign = -1 s = s[1:] if s[0] in 'xyz': k = ord(s[0]) - ord('x') rot[i, j, k] = sign s = s[1:] elif s[0].isdigit() or s[0] == '.': n = 0 while n < len(s) and (s[n].isdigit() or s[n] in '/.'): n += 1 t = s[:n] s = s[n:] if '/' in t: q, r = t.split('/') trans[i,j] = float(q)/float(r) else: trans[i,j] = float(t) else: raise SpacegroupValueError( 'Error parsing %r. Invalid site symmetry: %s' % (s, sym)) return rot, trans def spacegroup_from_data(no=None, symbol=None, setting=1, centrosymmetric=None, scaled_primitive_cell=None, reciprocal_cell=None, subtrans=None, sitesym=None, rotations=None, translations=None, datafile=None): """Manually create a new space group instance. This might be usefull when reading crystal data with its own spacegroup definitions.""" if no is not None: spg = Spacegroup(no, setting, datafile) elif symbol is not None: spg = Spacegroup(symbol, setting, datafile) else: raise SpacegroupValueError('either *no* or *symbol* must be given') have_sym = False if centrosymmetric is not None: spg._centrosymmetric = bool(centrosymmetric) if scaled_primitive_cell is not None: spg._scaled_primitive_cell = np.array(scaled_primitive_cell) if reciprocal_cell is not None: spg._reciprocal_cell = np.array(reciprocal_cell) if subtrans is not None: spg._subtrans = np.atleast_2d(subtrans) spg._nsubtrans = spg._subtrans.shape[0] if sitesym is not None: spg._rotations, spg._translations = parse_sitesym(sitesym) have_sym = True if rotations is not None: spg._rotations = np.atleast_3d(rotations) have_sym = True if translations is not None: spg._translations = np.atleast_2d(translations) have_sym = True if have_sym: if spg._rotations.shape[0] != spg._translations.shape[0]: raise SpacegroupValueError('inconsistent number of rotations and ' 'translations') spg._nsymop = spg._rotations.shape[0] return spg #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Self test if __name__ == '__main__': # Import spacegroup in order to ensure that __file__ is defined # such that the data base can be found. import spacegroup import doctest print('doctest: ', doctest.testmod())