Source code for ipymd.plotting.JSAnimation.IPython_display

from .html_writer import HTMLWriter
from matplotlib.animation import Animation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tempfile
import random
import os

__all__ = ['anim_to_html', 'display_animation']

class _NameOnlyTemporaryFile(object):
    """A context-managed temporary file which is not opened.

    The file should be accessible by name on any system.

    suffix : string
        The suffix of the temporary file (default = '')
    prefix : string
        The prefix of the temporary file (default = '_tmp_')
    hash_length : string
        The length of the random hash.  The size of the hash space will
        be 16 ** hash_length (default=8)
    seed : integer
        the seed for the random number generator.  If not specified, the
        system time will be used as a seed.
    absolute : boolean
        If true, return an absolute path to a temporary file in the current
        working directory.


    >>> with _NameOnlyTemporaryFile(seed=0, absolute=False) as f:
    ...     print(f)
    >>> os.path.exists('_tmp_d82c07cd')  # file removed after context

    def __init__(self, prefix='_tmp_', suffix='', hash_length=8,
                 seed=None, absolute=True):
        rng = random.Random(seed) = '%s%0*x%s' % (prefix, hash_length,
                                  rng.getrandbits(4 * hash_length), suffix)
        if absolute:
   = os.path.abspath(

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
        if os.path.exists(

[docs]def anim_to_html(anim, fps=None, embed_frames=True, default_mode='loop'): """Generate HTML representation of the animation""" if fps is None and hasattr(anim, '_interval'): # Convert interval in ms to frames per second fps = 1000. / anim._interval plt.close(anim._fig) if hasattr(anim, "_html_representation"): return anim._html_representation else: # tempfile can't be used here: we need a filename, and this # fails on windows. Instead, we use a custom filename generator #with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html') as f: with _NameOnlyTemporaryFile(suffix='.html') as f:, writer=HTMLWriter(fps=fps, embed_frames=embed_frames, default_mode=default_mode)) html = open( anim._html_representation = html return html
[docs]def display_animation(anim, **kwargs): """Display the animation with an IPython HTML object""" from IPython.display import HTML return HTML(anim_to_html(anim, **kwargs))
# This is the magic that makes animations display automatically in the # IPython notebook. The _repr_html_ method is a special method recognized # by IPython. Animation._repr_html_ = anim_to_html