Source code for ipymd.shared

# shared resources

import os
import inspect
import pandas as pd
from six import string_types

from .. import test_data
from . import atomdata
from . import transformations

[docs]def get_data_path(data, check_exists=False, module=test_data): """return a directory path to data within a module data : str or list of str file name or list of sub-directories and file name (e.g. ['lammps','data.txt']) """ basepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(module))) if isinstance(data, string_types): data = [data] dirpath = os.path.join(basepath, *data) if check_exists: assert os.path.exists(dirpath), '{0} does not exist'.format(dirpath) return dirpath
[docs]def atom_data(): """return a dataframe of atomic data """ path = get_data_path('element.txt',module=atomdata) df = pd.read_csv(path,comment='#') df.set_index('Symb',inplace=True) red = df.Red*255 green = df.Green*255 blue = df.Blue*255 df['color'] = zip(red.values.astype(int), green.values.astype(int), blue.values.astype(int)) df.drop(['Red','Green','Blue'],axis=1,inplace=True) return df