Source code for ipymd.visualise.opengl.renderers.sphere

import numpy as np

from .base import AbstractRenderer
from .triangles import TriangleRenderer
from ....shared.transformations import normalized

[docs]class SphereRenderer(AbstractRenderer): '''Renders a set of spheres. The method used by this renderer is approximating a sphere by using triangles. While this is reasonably fast, for best performance and animation you should use :py:class:`` .. image:: /_static/sphere_renderer.png **Parameters** widget: The parent ``QChemlabWidget`` poslist: np.ndarray((NSPHERES, 3), dytpe=float) A position array. While there aren't dimensions, in the context of chemlab 1 unit of space equals 1 nm. radiuslist: np.ndarray(NSPHERES, dtype=float) An array with the radius of each sphere. colorlist: np.ndarray(NSPHERES, 4) or list of tuples An array with the color of each sphere. Suitable colors are those found in ```` or any tuple with values (r, g, b, a) in the range [0, 255] ''' def __init__(self, widget, poslist, radiuslist, colorlist, shading='phong'): self.viewer = widget self.poslist = poslist self.radiuslist = radiuslist self.colorlist = colorlist self.n_spheres = len(poslist) # Initialize a sphere object with radius 1 that contains our # triangles. We use that to generate the vertices and normals _SPHERE_MRES = Sphere(1.0, np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), parallels=10, meridians=15) sp_verts = _SPHERE_MRES.tri_vertex.astype(np.float32) sp_norms = _SPHERE_MRES.tri_normals.astype(np.float32) verts_one_sphere = len(sp_verts) # To produce a general sphere from a sphere radius 1 centered # in origin, we have to multiply each vertex of the sphere by the radius # and then translate that by the position of the sphere # We do that in a tight numpy operation self.sp_verts = sp_verts#reshape((sp_verts.shape[0]/3, 3)) # Correct sphs_verts = np.tile(self.sp_verts, self.n_spheres) sphs_verts = sphs_verts.reshape((self.n_spheres, len(self.sp_verts)/3, 3)) sphs_verts *= np.array(radiuslist).reshape(self.n_spheres, 1, 1) self.sphs_verts_radii = sphs_verts.copy() sphs_verts += np.array(poslist).reshape(self.n_spheres, 1, 3) self._n_triangles = len(sp_verts)/3 * self.n_spheres vertices = sphs_verts normals = np.tile(sp_norms, self.n_spheres) colors_ = np.repeat(colorlist, verts_one_sphere/3, axis=0) = TriangleRenderer(widget, vertices.flatten(), normals.flatten(), colors_, shading=shading)
[docs] def draw(self):
[docs] def update_positions(self, positions): '''Update the sphere positions. ''' sphs_verts = self.sphs_verts_radii.copy() sphs_verts += positions.reshape(self.n_spheres, 1, 3) self.poslist = positions
[docs] def update_colors(self, colorlist):
[docs]class Sphere(object): def __init__(self, radius, center, parallels=20, meridians=15, color=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]): '''Create a Sphere object specifying its radius its center point. You can modulate its smoothness using the parallel and meridians settings. ''' self.radius = radius = center self.parallels = parallels self.meridians = meridians self.color = color self.vertices = [] self.indices = [] self.normals = [] self.tri_vertex = [] self.tri_color = [] self.tri_normals = [] self.update_vlist = False self._generate_vertices() def _generate_vertices(self): # Tip of the sphere tip = np.array([0.0, 0.0, self.radius]) # Bottom of the sphere bottom = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -self.radius]) dphi = np.pi/self.parallels dtheta = 2*np.pi/self.meridians self.vertices.append(tip) for j in range(1, self.parallels): point_z = self.radius*np.cos(dphi*j) for i in range(self.meridians+1): point_x = np.sin(dphi*j)*np.cos(i*dtheta)*self.radius point_y = np.sin(dphi*j)*np.sin(i*dtheta)*self.radius self.vertices.append(np.array([point_x, point_y, point_z])) self.vertices.append(bottom) self.vertices = np.array(self.vertices) # Normals, this is quite easy since they are the vertices for vertex in self.vertices: self.normals.append(normalized(vertex)) self.normals = np.array(self.normals) # Numpyize # Translate the sphere for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices): self.vertices[i] -= # Generating triangles!! # Draw each triangle in order to form the sphere m = self.meridians # Cap of the sphere cap_i = [np.array([0, 1, 2]) + np.array([0, 1, 1])*i for i in range(m)] # Up to the last point minus 1 cap_i = np.array(cap_i).flatten() indexed = cap_i # Body of the sphere for k in range(self.parallels-2): offset = 1 + k*(m+1) body_0 = offset + np.array([0, m+1, 1, 1, m + 1, m + 2]) # first two triangles body_i = np.concatenate([body_0 + i for i in range(m)]) indexed = np.concatenate((indexed, body_i)) # Bottom of the sphere offset += m last = len(self.vertices) - 1 bot_i = [np.array([last, 1 + offset, 2 + offset]) + np.array([0, 1, 1])*i for i in range(m)] indexed = np.concatenate((indexed, np.array(bot_i).flatten())) self.tri_vertex = self.vertices[indexed].flatten() self.tri_normals = self.normals[indexed].flatten() self.tri_n = len(indexed) self.tri_color = self.tri_n * self.color
[docs] def rotate(self, axis, angle): rotmat = rotation_matrix( angle,axis)[:3,:3] # Rototranslate the vertices and others for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices): self.vertices[i] =, vertex - + self.normals[i] =, self.normals[i])