Source code for ipymd.atom_analysis.spectral

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jul 12 20:18:04 2016

Derived from:  
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
This package contains the commands neeed to calculate x-ray and
electron diffraction intensities based on kinematic diffraction 
theory. Detailed discription of the computation can be found in the
following works:

Coleman, S.P., Spearot, D.E., Capolungo, L.  (2013) Virtual 
diffraction analysis of Ni [010] symmetric tilt grain boundaries, 
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 21 
055020. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/21/5/055020

Coleman, S.P., Sichani, M.M., Spearot, D.E.  (2014) A computational 
algorithm to produce virtual x-ray and electron diffraction patterns 
from atomistic simulations, JOM, 66 (3), 408-416. 

Coleman, S.P., Pamidighantam, S. Van Moer, M., Wang, Y., Koesterke, L. 
Spearot D.E (2014) Performance improvement and workflow development 
of virtual diffraction calculations, XSEDE14, 

@author: chris sewell
#TODO Averaging over (thermal) phase space
#TODO Analysis of triclinic cells
#TODO Calculation of structure factor coefficients from atom charge & type (rather than pre-defining ionic state)
#TODO fast fourier transform?
#TODO parallelization of fourier summation (

import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..shared import get_data_path
from . import data
from . import basic
from .. import plotting

def _set_thetas(min2theta=1.,max2theta=179.):
    """ set min and max angles to assess

    min2theta : float
        minimum 2 theta range to explore (degrees)
    max2theta : float
        maximum 2 theta range to explore (degrees)
    min_theta : float
        minimum theta range to explore (radians)
    max_theta : float
        maximum theta range to explore (radians)

    # Process angles
    min_theta = math.radians(min2theta) / 2.
    max_theta = math.radians(max2theta) / 2.
    return min_theta, max_theta

def _original_compute_rmesh(sim_abc, wlambda, min_theta, max_theta,
                  rspace=[1,1,1], periodic=[True,True,True], manual=False):
    """Compute full reciprocal lattice mesh, here for prosperity
    sim_abc : numpy.array((3,3))
        a,b,c cell vectors (length units)
    wlambda : float
        radiation wavelength (length units)
        x-rays usually in the range 0.1 to 100 Angstroms
    min_theta : float
        minimum theta range to explore (radians)
    max_theta : float
        maximum theta range to explore (radians)
    rspace : list of floats
        parameters to multiply the spacing of the reciprocal lattice nodes 
        in the h, k, and l directions respectively
    periodic : list of bools
        whether periodic boundary in the h, k, and l directions respectively
    manual : bool
        use manual spacing of reciprocal lattice points based on the values of the rspac parameters 
        (good for comparing diffraction results from multiple simulations, but small rspace required).
    rmesh : np.array((N,3))
        mesh of k points defining reciprocal lattice
    # get cell parameters
    a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma = basic.lattparams_bb(sim_abc)
    cell_lenghts = (a,b,c)
    if not np.allclose([alpha,beta,gamma],[90,90,90]):
        raise ValueError("Compute XRD does not work with triclinic structures")
    # maximum reciprocal lattice vector |K|, 
    # calculated from Bragg's law 
    Kmax = 2 * math.sin(max_theta) / wlambda 
    # Calculate spacing between reciprocal lattice points
    # Using distance based on periodic repeating distance
    if manual:
        inv_cell_lengths = [1.0,1.0,1.0]
        if not np.any(periodic):
            raise ValueError("Compute XRD must have at least one periodic boundary unless manual spacing specified")
        # calc inverse dimension for periodic directions
        inv_cell_lengths = [1./cell_lenghts[i] if periodic[i] else np.nan for i in range(3)]
        ave_inv = np.nanmean(inv_cell_lengths)

        # Use the average inverse dimensions for non-periodic directions
        inv_cell_lengths = [icl if periodic[i] else ave_inv for i,icl in enumerate(inv_cell_lengths)]
    # resolution (i.e. spacing) of reciprocal space points
    dK = [inv_cell_lengths[i] * rspace[i] for i in range(3)]
    # maximum integer value for K points in each dimension
    Knmax = [math.ceil(Kmax / dK[i]) for i in range(3)]
    # create the full reprocal lattice indices grid
    rmesh = np.mgrid[-Knmax[0]:Knmax[0]+1:1, 
    # resize reciprocal mesh to correct spacing
    for i in range(3):
        rmesh[:,i] *= dK[i]
    return rmesh, imesh

def _compute_rmesh_triclinic(sim_abc, wlambda, min_theta, max_theta,
    """Compute full reciprocal lattice mesh
    sim_abc : numpy.array((3,3))
        a,b,c cell vectors (length units)
    wlambda : float
        radiation wavelength (length units)
        x-rays usually in the range 0.1 to 100 Angstroms
    min_theta : float
        minimum theta range to explore (radians)
    max_theta : float
        maximum theta range to explore (radians)
    rspace : list of floats
        parameters to multiply the spacing of the reciprocal lattice nodes 
        in the h, k, and l directions respectively
    manual : bool
        use manual spacing of reciprocal lattice points based on the values of the rspace parameters 
        (good for comparing diffraction results from multiple simulations, but small rspace required).
    periodic : list of bools
        whether periodic boundary in the h, k, and l directions respectively
    rmesh : np.array((N,3))
        mesh of k points defining reciprocal lattice
    if not np.any(periodic):
        raise ValueError('at least one direction must be periodic')
    # maximum reciprocal lattice vector |K|, 
    # calculated from Bragg's law 
    Kmax = 2 * math.sin(max_theta) / wlambda 
    # Calculate the rimitive reciprocal lattice vectors
    a,b,c = sim_abc
    a_recip = np.cross(b,c)/(,np.cross(b,c)))
    b_recip = np.cross(c,a)/(,np.cross(b,c)))
    c_recip = np.cross(a,b)/(,np.cross(b,c)))
    recip_lengths = map(np.linalg.norm, [a_recip,b_recip,c_recip])
    # get mean length of periodic directions
    mean_length = np.mean(np.array(recip_lengths)[np.array(periodic)])
    # set non-periodic directions as the mean length of periodic ones
    recip_lengths = [r if p else mean_length for r,p in zip(recip_lengths,periodic)]
    # maximum integer value for K points in each dimension
    Knmax = [math.ceil(Kmax / (recip_lengths[i]*rspace[i])) for i in range(3)]
    # create the full reciprocal lattice indices grid
    imesh = np.mgrid[-Knmax[0]:Knmax[0]+1:1, 

    if not manual:
        # calulate reciprocal lattice
        rmesh = (np.einsum('j,i->ji',imesh[:,0],a_recip)*rspace[0] + 
                 np.einsum('j,i->ji',imesh[:,1],b_recip)*rspace[1] + 
        # calulate reciprocal lattice
        rmesh = (imesh[:,0]*rspace[0] + 
                 imesh[:,1]*rspace[1] + 
    return rmesh, imesh
def _restrict_rmesh(rmesh, imesh, wlambda, min_theta, max_theta):
    """filter mesh points to only those in Eswald's sphere 
    (and angular limits)
    rmesh : np.array((N,3))
        mesh of k points defining reciprocal lattice
    wlambda : float
        radiation wavelength (length units)
        x-rays usually in the range 0.1 to 100 Angstroms
    min_theta : float
        minimum theta range to explore (radians)
    max_theta : float
        maximum theta range to explore (radians)

    rmesh_sphere : np.array((N,3))
        mesh of k points defining reciprocal lattice, 
        retricted to Eswald's shere (and angular limits)
    k_mods : np.array((N,1))
         modulus for each k-point
    thetas : np.array((N,1))
        angles for each k-point (radians)

    # calculate the length (squared) of each mesh vector
    K_sqr = np.sum(np.square(rmesh),axis=1)
    # select only mesh points within the Eswald sphere radius
    radius_mask = K_sqr * wlambda**2 <= 2**2 # i.e. (2sin(pi))^2
    # calculate the angle of each remaining mesh vector
    K = np.sqrt(K_sqr[radius_mask])
    theta = np.arcsin(wlambda * np.sqrt(K_sqr[radius_mask]) * 0.5)
    # select only mesh points within the angular limits
    angle_mask = np.logical_and(theta <= max_theta, theta >= min_theta)
    # return remaining mesh points
    return rmesh[radius_mask][angle_mask],imesh[radius_mask][angle_mask], K[angle_mask], theta[angle_mask]

[docs]def get_sf_coeffs(): datapath = get_data_path('xray_scattering_factors_coefficients.csv', module=data) return pd.read_csv(datapath, index_col=0,comment='#')
def _calc_struct_factors(atoms_df,rmesh_sphere,k_mods): """ calculate atomic scattering factors, fj, for each atom at each reciprocal lattice point Parameters ---------- atoms_df : pandas.DataFrame a dataframe of info for each atom, including columns; x,y,z,type rmesh_sphere : np.array((N,3)) mesh of k points defining reciprocal lattice, retricted to Eswald's shere (and angular limits) k_mods : np.array((N,1)) modulus for each k-point, only required for calclating Lorentz-polarization factor Returns ------- intensities : dict(np.array((N,1))) structure factor for each k-point (values), for each atom type (keys) """ # calculate (|K|/2)^2 K_2_sqr = (0.5*k_mods)**2 # get the structure factor coefficients sf_coeffs_df = get_sf_coeffs() struct_factors = {} for atype in atoms_df.type.unique(): sfs = sf_coeffs_df.loc[atype] struct_factors[atype] = 0 struct_factors[atype] += sfs.A1 * np.exp(-sfs.B1*K_2_sqr) struct_factors[atype] += sfs.A2 * np.exp(-sfs.B2*K_2_sqr) struct_factors[atype] += sfs.A3 * np.exp(-sfs.B3*K_2_sqr) struct_factors[atype] += sfs.A4 * np.exp(-sfs.B4*K_2_sqr) struct_factors[atype] += sfs.C return struct_factors def _calc_intensities(atoms_df, rmesh_sphere, wlambda, struct_factors, thetas=None,k_mods=None,use_Lp=True): """ calculate diffraction intensities for each atom at each reciprocal lattice point Parameters ---------- atoms_df : pandas.DataFrame a dataframe of info for each atom, including columns; x,y,z,type rmesh_sphere : np.array((N,3)) mesh of k points defining reciprocal lattice, retricted to Eswald's shere (and angular limits) wlambda : float radiation wavelength (length units) x-rays usually in the range 0.1 to 100 Angstroms k_mods : np.array((N,1)) modulus for each k-point, only required for calclating Lorentz-polarization factor thetas : np.array((N,1)) angles for each k-point (radians), only required for calclating Lorentz-polarization factor use_Lp : bool switch to apply Lorentz-polarization factor Returns ------- 2thetas : np.array((N,1)) 2-theta (degrees) for each k-point intensities : np.array((N,1)) intensity for each k-point hkl : np.array((N,3)) h,k,l for each k-point, N.B.: if analysing a crystal then they will need to be divided by the number of unit cells (in each direction) """ # compute F(K) F = np.zeros(rmesh_sphere.shape[0]) + 0*1j for xyz,atype in zip(atoms_df[['x','y','z']].values, atoms_df.type): inner_dot = 2 * np.pi *,rmesh_sphere.T) F += struct_factors[atype] * (np.cos(inner_dot) + 1j*np.sin(inner_dot)) # compute Lp(theta) if use_Lp: sin_thetas = 0.5*k_mods*wlambda Lp = (1+np.cos(2*thetas)**2)/(np.cos(thetas)*sin_thetas**2) else: Lp = 1. # calculate intensities return Lp*F*np.conjugate(F)/float(atoms_df.shape[0])
[docs]def xrd_compute(atoms_df, meta_data,wlambda, min2theta=1.,max2theta=179., lp=True, rspace=[1,1,1], manual=False,periodic=[True,True,True]): r"""Compute predicted x-ray diffraction intensities for a given wavelength Properties ---------- atoms_df : pandas.DataFrame a dataframe of info for each atom, including columns; x,y,z,type meta_data : pandas.Series data of a,b,c crystal vectors (as tuples, e.g. meta_data.a = (0,0,1)) wlambda : float radiation wavelength (length units) typical values are Cu Ka = 1.54, Mo Ka = 0.71 Angstroms min2theta : float minimum 2 theta range to explore (degrees) max2theta : float maximum 2 theta range to explore (degrees) lp : bool switch to apply Lorentz-polarization factor use_triclinic : bool use_triclinic rspace : list of floats parameters to adjust the spacing of the reciprocal lattice nodes in the h, k, and l directions respectively manual : bool use manual spacing of reciprocal lattice points based on the values of the c parameters (good for comparing diffraction results from multiple simulations, but small c required). periodic : list of bools whether periodic boundary in the h, k, and l directions respectively Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame theta (in degrees), I, h, k and l for each k-point Notes ----- This is an implementation of the virtual x-ray diffraction pattern algorithm by Coleman *et al*. [ref1]_ The algorithm proceeds in the following manner: 1. Define a crystal structure by position (x,y,z) and atom/ion type. 2. Define the x-ray wavelength to use 3. Compute the full reciprocal lattice mesh 4. Filter reciprocal lattice points by those in the Eswald's sphere 5. Compute the structure factor at each reciprocal lattice point, for each atom type 6. Compute the x-ray diffraction intensity at each reciprocal lattice point 7. Group and sum intensities by angle reciprocal points of the lattice are computed such that: .. math:: \mathbf{K} = {m_{1}}\cdot \mathbf{b}_{1}+{m_{2}}\cdot \mathbf{b}_{2}+{m_{3}}\cdot \mathbf{b}_{3} where, .. math:: \begin{aligned} \mathbf {b_{1}} &= {\frac {\mathbf {a_{2}} \times \mathbf {a_{3}} }{\mathbf {a_{1}} \cdot (\mathbf {a_{2}} \times \mathbf {a_{3}} )}}\\ \mathbf {b_{2}} &= {\frac {\mathbf {a_{3}} \times \mathbf {a_{1}} }{\mathbf {a_{2}} \cdot (\mathbf {a_{3}} \times \mathbf {a_{1}} )}}\\ \mathbf {b_{3}} &= {\frac {\mathbf {a_{1}} \times \mathbf {a_{2}} }{\mathbf {a_{3}} \cdot (\mathbf {a_{1}} \times \mathbf {a_{2}} )}} \end{aligned} The reciprocal k-point modulii of the x-ray is calculated from Bragg's law: .. math:: \left| {\mathbf{K}_{\lambda}} \right| = \frac{1}{{d_{\text{hkl}} }} = \frac{2\sin \left( \theta \right)}{\lambda } This is used to construct an Eswald's sphere, and only reciprocal lattice ponts within are retained, as illustrated: .. image:: ../images/xrd_mesh.jpg The atomic scattering factors, fj, accounts for the reduction in diffraction intensity due to Compton scattering, with coefficients based on the electron density around the atomic nuclei. .. math:: f_j \left(\frac{\sin \theta}{\lambda}\right) = \left[ \sum\limits^4_i a_i \exp \left( -b_i \frac{\sin^2 \theta}{\lambda^2} \right)\right] + c = \left[ \sum\limits^4_i a_i \exp \left( -b_i \left(\frac{\left| {\mathbf{K}} \right|}{2}\right)^2 \right)\right] + c The relative diffraction intensity from x-rays is computed at each reciprocal lattice point through: .. math:: I_x(\mathbf{K}) = Lp(\theta) \frac{F(\mathbf{K})F^*(\mathbf{K})}{N} such that: .. math:: F ({\mathbf{K}} )= \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{N} {f_{j}.e^{\left( {2\pi i \, {\mathbf{K}} \cdot {\mathbf{r}}_{j} } \right)}} = \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{N} {f_j.\left[ \cos \left( 2\pi \mathbf{K} \cdot \mathbf{r}_j \right) + i \sin \left( 2\pi \mathbf{K} \cdot \mathbf{r}_j \right) \right]} and the Lorentz-polarization factor is: .. math:: Lp(\theta) = \frac{1+\cos^2 (2\theta)}{\cos(\theta)\sin^2(\theta)} References ---------- .. [ref1] 1.Coleman, S. P., Sichani, M. M. & Spearot, D. E. A Computational Algorithm to Produce Virtual X-ray and Electron Diffraction Patterns from Atomistic Simulations. JOM 66, 408–416 (2014). """ sim_abc = np.asarray([meta_data.a,meta_data.b,meta_data.c]) min_theta, max_theta = _set_thetas(min2theta,max2theta) rmesh, imesh = _compute_rmesh_triclinic(sim_abc,wlambda,min_theta, max_theta,rspace, manual, periodic) rmesh_sphere,imesh_sphere, k_mods, thetas = _restrict_rmesh(rmesh,imesh,wlambda,min_theta, max_theta) struct_factors = _calc_struct_factors(atoms_df,rmesh_sphere,k_mods) I = _calc_intensities(atoms_df,rmesh_sphere,wlambda,struct_factors,thetas,k_mods,use_Lp=lp) return (pd.DataFrame({'theta':np.real(np.degrees(2*thetas)),'I':np.real(I), 'h':imesh_sphere[:,0].astype(int),'k':imesh_sphere[:,1].astype(int),'l':imesh_sphere[:,2].astype(int)}))
##TODO add other symmetry-equivalent reflections def _stack_hkl(df, sym='none'): hkl = df[['h','k','l']].values if sym=='mmm': hkl = np.abs(hkl) elif sym=='m-3m': hkl = np.sort(np.abs(hkl))[:,::-1] return np.vstack({tuple(row) for row in hkl})
[docs]def xrd_group_i(df,tstep=None,sym_equiv_hkl='none'): """ group xrd intensities by theta Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame containing columns; ['theta','I'] and optional ['h','k','l'] tstep: None or float if not None, group thetas within ranges i to i+tstep sym_equiv_hkl : str group hkl by symmetry-equivalent refelections; ['none','mmm','m-3m'] Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame Notes ----- if grouping by theta step, then the theta value for each group will be the intensity weighted average Crystal System | Laue Class | Symmetry-Equivalent Reflections | Multiplicity -------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------- | ------------ Triclinic | -1 | hkl ≡ -h-k-l | 2 Monoclinic | 2/m | hkl ≡ -hk-l ≡ -h-k-l ≡ h-kl | 4 Orthorhombic | mmm | hkl ≡ h-k-l ≡ -hk-l ≡ -h-kl ≡ -h-k-l ≡ -hkl ≡ h-kl ≡ hk-l | 8 Tetragonal | 4/m | hkl ≡ -khl ≡ -h-kl ≡ k-hl ≡ -h-k-l ≡ k-h-l ≡ hk-l ≡ -kh-l | 8 | 4/mmm | hkl ≡ -khl ≡ -h-kl ≡ k-hl ≡ -h-k-l ≡ k-h-l ≡ hk-l ≡ -kh-l | | | ≡ khl ≡ -hkl ≡ -k-hl ≡ h-kl ≡ -k-h-l ≡ h-k-l ≡ kh-l ≡ -hk-l | 16 Cubic | m-3 | hkl ≡ -hkl ≡ h-kl ≡ hk-l ≡ -h-k-l ≡ h-k-l ≡ -hk-l ≡ -h-kl | | | ≡ klh ≡ -klh ≡ k-lh ≡ kl-h ≡ -k-l-h ≡ k-l-h ≡ -kl-h ≡ -k-lh | | | ≡ lhk ≡ -lhk ≡ l-hk ≡ lh-k ≡ -l-h-k ≡ l-h-k ≡ -lh-k ≡ -l-hk | 24 | m-3m | hkl ≡ -hkl ≡ h-kl ≡ hk-l ≡ -h-k-l ≡ h-k-l ≡ -hk-l ≡ -h-kl | | | ≡ klh ≡ -klh ≡ k-lh ≡ kl-h ≡ -k-l-h ≡ k-l-h ≡ -kl-h ≡ -k-lh | | | ≡ lhk ≡ -lhk ≡ l-hk ≡ lh-k ≡ -l-h-k ≡ l-h-k ≡ -lh-k ≡ -l-hk | | | ≡ khl ≡ -khl ≡ k-hl ≡ kh-l ≡ -k-h-l ≡ k-h-l ≡ -kh-l ≡ -k-hl | | | ≡ lkh ≡ -lkh ≡ l-kh ≡ lk-h ≡ -l-k-h ≡ l-k-h ≡ -lk-h ≡ -l-kh | | | ≡ hlk ≡ -hlk ≡ h-lk ≡ hl-k ≡ -h-l-k ≡ h-l-k ≡ -hl-k ≡ -h-lk | 48 """ if tstep is None: g=df.groupby('theta') g_df = pd.DataFrame({'I':g.I.sum(),'multiplicity':g.I.count()}).reset_index() else: df1 = df.copy() df1['theta_ind'] = np.digitize(df.theta,np.arange(0,180,tstep)) df1['wt_theta'] = df.theta * df.I g = df1.groupby('theta_ind') g_df = pd.DataFrame({'theta':g.wt_theta.sum()/g.I.sum(),'I':g.I.sum(),'multiplicity':g.I.count()}) g_df['I_norm'] = g_df.I/g_df.I.max() if set(['h','k','l']).issubset(df.columns): g_df['hkl'] = g.apply(_stack_hkl,sym_equiv_hkl).tolist() return g_df
[docs]def xrd_plot(df, icol='I_norm', imin=0.01, barwidth=1., hkl_num=0, hkl_trange=[0.,180.], incl_multi=False, label_inline=True, label_trange=[0.,180.], ax=None, **kwargs): """ create plot of xrd pattern Properties ---------- df : pd.DataFrame containing columns ['theta',icol] and optional ['hkl','multiplicity'] icol : str column name for intensity data imin : float minimum intensity to display barwidth : float or None if None then the barwidth will be the bin width hkl_num : int number of k-point values to label hkl_trange : [float,float] theta range within which to label peaks with k-point values label_inline : bool place k-point labels inline or at top of plot label_trange : [float,float] if not inline, theta range within which to fit k-point labels incl_multi : bool add multiplicity to k-point label kwargs : optional additional arguments for bar plot (e.g. label, color, alpha) Returns ------- plot : ipymd.plotting.Plotting a plot object """ if ax is None: plot = plotting.Plotter() ax = plot.axes else: plot=None df1 = df[df[icol]>=imin]*barwidth,df1[icol],barwidth,**kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(r'Scatteting Angle ($2 \theta$)') ax.set_ylabel('Relative Intensity') ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.grid(True) if 'label' in kwargs.keys(): ax.legend(framealpha=0.5) if hkl_num > 0 and 'hkl' in df.columns: l,u = hkl_trange if label_inline: df2 = df1[(df1.theta>=l)&(df1.theta<=u)].sort_values(icol,ascending=True).iloc[-hkl_num:] for idx, row in df2.iterrows(): hkl_string = '\n'.join([str(hkl) for hkl in row.hkl]) if incl_multi and 'multiplicity' in df.columns: hkl_string += '\nm='+str(row.multiplicity) hkl_string = hkl_string.replace('. ',' ') hkl_string = hkl_string.replace('[ ','[') hkl_string = hkl_string.replace('.]',']') hkl_string = hkl_string.replace(' ',' ') bbox=dict(facecolor='white',edgecolor='none',alpha=0.8,pad=0) xydata = (row.theta+barwidth*0.5,row[icol]) ax.annotate(hkl_string, xy=xydata, bbox=bbox) else: df2 = df1[(df1.theta>=l)&(df1.theta<=u)].sort_values(icol,ascending=True).iloc[-hkl_num:] df2.sort_values('theta',ascending=True,inplace=True) spacing = np.linspace(label_trange[0],label_trange[1],hkl_num,endpoint=False).tolist() for idx, row in df2.iterrows(): hkl_string = '\n'.join([str(hkl) for hkl in row.hkl]) if incl_multi and 'multiplicity' in df.columns: hkl_string += '\nm='+str(row.multiplicity) hkl_string = hkl_string.replace('. ',' ') hkl_string = hkl_string.replace('[ ','[') hkl_string = hkl_string.replace('.]',']') hkl_string = hkl_string.replace(' ',' ') bbox=dict(facecolor='white',edgecolor='none',alpha=0.8,pad=0) xydata = (row.theta,row[icol]) xytext = (spacing.pop(0),df[icol].max()*1.2) if xytext[0]<xydata[0]: cstyle="arc3,rad=.1" else: cstyle="arc3,rad=-.1" ax.annotate(hkl_string, xy=xydata,xytext=xytext, bbox=bbox, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", linestyle='solid',connectionstyle=cstyle)) return plot
##TODO identification and classification of peaks